May 10, 2009

magnetic man...its amazing

This is my not my first amazing seach but its the first one I am posting on my blog. I have seen this video on youtube and got amazed. Watch it; here's the link:
This person has the ability to lift things using his mind. He can even lift the things without touching them. Although the video link shows that he is touching the things but here I give you the link where all the scientific explanation are given including LIFTING THE CUP WITH OUT TOUCHING IT.....ITS AMAZING.... His name is Miroslaw Magola.

I am still thinking to believe it or not. Here are some more links:
Here is one more video link which shows some more people with magnetic power.
This one is the original website of Miroslaw Magola.
I dont know that these videos are real or not. There can be tricks and it can be real also. This whole phenomina is known as Psychokinesis. You can read about it in the following link:

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