June 25, 2009

The 12 Longest and Most Difficult Words in English

1. Honorificabilitudinitatibus
This word has 27 letters which appears in Love’s Labour’s Lost, Act V, Scene I, which means “invincible glorious” or “Honorableness.” It is the ablative plural of the Latin contrived honorificabilitudinitas, which is an extension of honorificabilis meaning “honorableness.” This word was spoken by Costard in ’s plays:
O, they have lived long on the alms-basket of words.
I marvel thy master hath not eaten thee for a word;
for thou art not so long by the head as
: thou art easier
swallowed than a flap-dragon.

2. Antidisestablishmentarianism
This is the best known long word which has 28 letters. It means “opposition to the withdrawal of state support or recognition from an established church, esp. the Anglican Church in 19th-century England” as explained in Dictionary.com. Specifically, it is the political philosophy that is opposed to the separation of the church and state.

3. Floccinauccinihilipilification
This 30- letter-word is a non-scientific word and it appears in the first edition of the Oxford Dictionary. It is longer than antidisestablishmentarianism. The 1992 calls floccinaucinihilipilification “the longest real word in the Oxford Dictionary,” It means “act or habit to deny the value of some particular things” but some dictionaries translate it as “the act of considering something to be worthless.”

4. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
This 34- appears in the Oxford Dictionary. It is a word specifically created for a song in the movie Mary Poppins until its film version of the musical was popular enough that everyone got to know this word.

5. Hepaticocholangiocholecystenterostomies
This 39-letter long is the longest word found in Gould’s Medical Dictionary. It is a surgical terminology, which refers to surgical creation of a connection between the gall bladder and a hepatic duct and between the intestine and the gall bladder.

6. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
This 45-letter long word is the longest word found in dictionaries. According to the eighth edition of Webster dictionary, it means, “pneumoconiosis disease caused by inhaling small particles of quartzite.” This is the scientific name for a coal miner’s disease, which is particularly caused by breathing in particles of siliceous volcanic dust. It is the lung disease that miners in Africa came down with from getting silicon silvers in their lungs.

7. Antipericatametaanaparcircumvolutiorectumgustpoops
This word has 50 letters. There is a display of one French writer’s ancient story in a library shelf, with this long
word as its book title.

8. Osseocaynisanguineoviscericartilagininervomedullary
This word has 51 letters. It is a terminology related to an anatomy. It appeared in a novel called “Headlong Hall” written by an
writer, 1785-1866.

9. Bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonnerronntuonnthunntrovarr-hounawnskawntoohoohoordenenthurnuk
This word has 100 letters. It appeared in the book titled “Finnegan wake” written by Irish author, Andean James Joyce, 1882- 1942. This word refers to the downfall of Adam and Eve.

10. Lopado temakho selakho galeo kranio-leipsano drim hypo­trimmato silphio kar-abo melito katakekhy meno kikhl epi­kossy-pho phatto perister alektryon opto keph-allio kigklo­peleio lagōio siraio bap-hē tragano pterýgōne
This word has 182 letters and is derived from the Greek word, originating from the drama script of comedy titled “ecclesiazusae” written by a Greek writer, Aristophanes, 448- 385. It refers to spicy foods that cooked from the remaining vegetables and beef. It is a frictional dish mentioned in Aristophanes’ comedy Assemblywomen.

According to the
, 18th edition, this 189,819-letter-long word is regarded as the world’s longest word in the language. This word has also included in the American Chemical Society’s Chemical Abstracts. It is the longest real word of a Tryptophan Synthetase (its scientific name is Methionylglutaminy…serine) A protein, an enzyme that has 267 amino acids which describes a protein in the amino acid of a strand of DNA. The shortened version of this protein is known as titin, or sometimes conectin, which is involved in striated muscle formation. Its empirical formula is C132983H211861N36149O40883S693.

12. Hippopotomonstrosequippeddaliophobia
word has 36 letters. It is somewhat ironic that the word for “fear of long words” as it should be has a length of 6.2 cm.

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